WP4 Leader - Strengthening capacities of the emergency medical service (EMS) in preparedness and response to CBRN incidents.


The Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (MIHE) is a unique research and development institution in Poland whose mission is to conduct research, prophylaxis, surveillance, and training associated with medical protection and countermeasures against the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents. As a scientific and advisory entity for the protection and defense against WMD MIHE closely collaborates with national and international state and NGO institutions.

Major activities of MIHE include

  • conducting scientific research, diagnosis, prophylaxis, and training ;
  • final identification of dangerous pathogens which may be used as a biological warfare (BW) agents performed at the unique in Poland biosafety level 3 microbiological laboratory of the MIHE’s Bio-threat Identification and Countermeasure Centre in Pulawy;
  • functioning as a reference and expertise centre for defence against biological weapons and certain aspects of toxicology, radiobiology and radiation protection;
  • participation in development of systems of detection, identification, and countering of biological, chemical, and radiological contaminations of people, animals and the environment;
  • participation in prevention against and management of health injuries caused by natural and industrial disasters and catastrophes;
  • examinations of bio-medical effects of and development of protective measures against highly dangerous biological pathogens and toxins (including BW agents);
  • examinations of bio-medical effects of and development of protective measures against dangerous chemical compounds and preparations (including CW agents);
  • examinations of bio-medical effects of ionizing (including radiological and nuclear weapons) and non-ionizing radiation with special emphasis on low-level exposures;
  • validation of the radiation protection rules and regulations;
  • examinations of the physical fitness and elaboration of methods of adaptation of the military and other uniformed personnel to the physically demanding conditions;
  • assessment of the quality of food, elaboration of methods of its improvement, and studies on the physiology of nutrition of the military personnel in the barracks and during field operations;
  • participation in national and international initiatives and security systems against biological, chemical, and radiological threats such as BTWC


